Please note that I am writing this Post from Melbourne, Victoria, who (over the past week or so) has been coming out of lockdown from strict COVID 19 restrictions (and some of this information may not be applicable to some parts of the world).
No doubt, many people are feeling a little anxious going out since the lockdown has eased and restrictions are lowered. We got used to staying home in our comfort zones for many months. So, here are some things to think about if you are feeling anxious going out to places:
* Start small- go to places where there will be less people or crowds to begin with for eg places with large open spaces, shopping centres at off-peak times (they generally have less people around 2:45pm during the week, or late afternoons on a Sunday), outside cafes. You may want to start with going out for a shorter period of time.
* Remind yourself you are safe- whilst we are not totally free from COVID 19 (in Melbourne, Victoria), the chances of contracting the virus is very, very low and as long as you follow the advised precautions (keep your distance, wear masks when you are inside, wash your hands, etc.), your chances are even lower
*Many people have been feeling nervous and 'weird'-for the first time leaving their house, going to different places after such a long period of time, it will feel different, but this feeling will pass. Use mindfulness- notice things you have not noticed before, pay attention to the moment- what can you see, hear, taste, smell, touch?
* Understand that for now, this is a 'New Normal'- things will be different, the world has changed, and that is ok. Remember this period will also pass and change. I often tell people to think about the lyrics of one of my favourite songs from Brian Ferry called 'Same old scene'- he sings "nothing lasts forever, that is true".
*Keep going out, connect again with others- the more we resist going out, the greater our fear or anxiety can become. Good social support, good social connection has been linked to good mental health. Tell your friends about any of your worries, ask for their support- a good friend will be only too happy to be there for you.
*And Enjoy yourself- us VIctorians have worked very hard during these last months to protect each other, we deserve some fun!